Save Our Skies

Geo-engineering is occurring in the skies around the world at unprecedented levels, with most of the general public completely unaware.

The origins of weather manipulation seem to stem from The Royal Society, which was established in 1660 by Christopher Wren in London.

Weather manipulation has been of interest to both scientists and governments for both good reasons (to assist agriculture) and bad reasons (as a weapon of warfare).

Geo-engineering (or the new term, Climate Remediation officially coined on October 4, 2011, by the Bipartisan Policy Center which is a private congressional lobbying group), also has under its umbrella genetically modified trees, plants, seeds, crops, etc.

The intention is to drive a carbon tax which will fund many private corporations who will engage in a myriad of geoengineering schemes and make huge sums of money under government and other contracts.

US Patents - Chemtrail Spraying scenes

Experts - Definitely NOT Contrails

What is Global Dimming?

High Bypass Turbo Fan Engine - Gap in Chemtrail

Historical Cloud Seeding

Weather as a Weapon

WW2 Bombers

Govts Are Aware

New Technology Will Not Be Unused

New Technology Will Not Be Unused

Scientific Analysis of Chemtrails

Govts talk of Geo-Engineering yet they also Deny it

Exponential Increase in Environmental Toxicity

Pilots Observations

Pilots Observations 2

Pilots Observations 2

Advocates of Weather Manipulation

Voices Against GeoEngineering

Voices Against GeoEngineering 2

Air Force Base Hazardous Substances

EMF Steering of Engineered Weather Systems

Questions to Pro GeoEngineering Advocates

Defoliation and Dying Trees

Creation of Hurricanes and Snowstorms

Creation of Hurricanes and Snowstorms

Why Nobody is Talking About This

Scientific Analysis of Chemtrails

Why Nobody is Talking About This

Aluminium Nanoparticles

Second Flight to Analyze Chemtrails

Impact on Ecosystems and Soil

Impact on Bees and Insects

Plastic Nanoparticles

The Conclusion